菲律宾 (2014年3月18日至4月15日)

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Green Joe auf d. Aussichtsplattform / Carmen Chocolate Hills Complex - Bohol - Philippines (03/2014)

The Chocolate Hills - Carmen Chocolate Hills Complex - Bohol - Philippines (03/2014)

Die "Schokoladenhügel" - Carmen Chocolate Hills Complex - Bohol - Philippines (03/2014)

Die "Schokoladenhügel" - Carmen Chocolate Hills Complex - Bohol - Philippines (03/2014)

Die "Schokoladenhügel" - Carmen Chocolate Hills Complex - Bohol - Philippines (03/2014)

Green Joe auf d. Aussichtsplattform / Carmen Chocolate Hills Complex - Bohol - Philippines (03/2014)

Green Joe & the Chocolate Hills - Carmen Chocolate Hills Complex - Bohol - Philippines (03/2014)

Spuren des Erdbebens (2013) - Carmen Chocolate Hills Complex - Bohol - Philippines (03/2014)

Die "Schokoladenhügel" - Carmen Chocolate Hills Complex - Bohol - Philippines (03/2014)

Die "Schokoladenhügel" - Carmen Chocolate Hills Complex - Bohol - Philippines (03/2014)

Blick auf die Schokoladenhügel - Carmen Chocolate Hills Complex - Bohol - Philippines (03/2014)

Blick von der Aussichtsplattform / Carmen Chocolate Hills Complex - Bohol - Philippines (03/2014)

Blick auf die Schokoladenhügel - Carmen Chocolate Hills Complex - Bohol - Philippines (03/2014)

Blick auf die Schokoladenhügel - Carmen Chocolate Hills Complex - Bohol - Philippines (03/2014)

Spuren des Erdbebens (2013) - Carmen Chocolate Hills Complex - Bohol - Philippines (03/2014)

Blick auf die Schokoladenhügel - Carmen Chocolate Hills Complex - Bohol - Philippines (03/2014)

Spuren des Erdbebens (2013) - Carmen Chocolate Hills Complex - Bohol - Philippines (03/2014)

Blick auf die Schokoladenhügel - Carmen Chocolate Hills Complex - Bohol - Philippines (03/2014)

Blick auf die Schokoladenhügel - Carmen Chocolate Hills Complex - Bohol - Philippines (03/2014)

Blick auf die Schokoladenhügel - Carmen Chocolate Hills Complex - Bohol - Philippines (03/2014)

Blick auf die Schokoladenhügel - Carmen Chocolate Hills Complex - Bohol - Philippines (03/2014)

Blick auf die Schokoladenhügel - Carmen Chocolate Hills Complex - Bohol - Philippines (03/2014)

Blick auf die Schokoladenhügel - Carmen Chocolate Hills Complex - Bohol - Philippines (03/2014)

Blick auf die Schokoladenhügel - Carmen Chocolate Hills Complex - Bohol - Philippines (03/2014)

St. James Apostle Church - Butuan - Bohol - Philippines (03/2014)

St. James Apostle Church - Butuan - Bohol - Philippines (03/2014)

Vom Erdbeben (2013) zerstörte "Baclayon Church" - Baclayon - Bohol - Philippines (03/2014)

Baclayon Church - Tagbilaran East Road - Baclayon - Bohol - Philippines (03/2014)

Baclayon Church - Tagbilaran East Road - Baclayon - Bohol - Philippines (03/2014)

Vom Erdbeben (2013) zerstörte "Baclayon Church" - Baclayon - Bohol - Philippines (03/2014)

Vor der "Baclayon Church" - Tagbilaran East Rd. - Baclayon - Bohol - Philippines (03/2014)

Vom Erdbeben (2013) zerstörter Glockenturm der Baclayon Church - Bohol - Philippines (03/2014)

Jeepney vor der "Baclayon Church" - Baclayon - Bohol - Philippines (03/2014)

Vom Erdbeben (2013) zerstörte "Baclayon Church" - Baclayon - Bohol - Philippines (03/2014)

Vom Erdbeben (2013) zerstörter Glockenturm der Baclayon Church - Bohol - Philippines (03/2014)

Blick vom Strand / Nähe Seaside Boutique Hotel - Panglao Island - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Unterwasserwelt / Nähe Seaside Boutique Hotel - Panglao Island - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Unterwasserwelt / Nähe Seaside Boutique Hotel - Panglao Island - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Fischerboote / Nähe Seaside Boutique Hotel - Panglao Island - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Unterwasserwelt / Nähe Seaside Boutique Hotel - Panglao Island - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Unterwasserwelt / Nähe Seaside Boutique Hotel - Panglao Island - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Unterwasserwelt / Nähe Seaside Boutique Hotel - Panglao Island - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Unterwasserwelt / Nähe Seaside Boutique Hotel - Panglao Island - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Unterwasserwelt / Nähe Seaside Boutique Hotel - Panglao Island - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Unterwasserwelt / Nähe Seaside Boutique Hotel - Panglao Island - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Unterwasserwelt / Nähe Seaside Boutique Hotel - Panglao Island - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Unterwasserwelt / Nähe Seaside Boutique Hotel - Panglao Island - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Seestern am Strand / Nähe Seaside Boutique Hotel - Panglao Island - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Seestern am Strand / Nähe Seaside Boutique Hotel - Panglao Island - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Blick vom Strand / Nähe Seaside Boutique Hotel - Panglao Island - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Am Strand / Nähe Seaside Boutique Hotel - Panglao Island - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Blick vom Strand / Nähe Seaside Boutique Hotel - Panglao Island - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Blick vom Strand / Nähe Seaside Boutique Hotel - Panglao Island - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Blick vom Strand / Nähe Seaside Boutique Hotel - Panglao Island - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Müll am Strand / Nähe Seaside Boutique Hotel - Panglao Island - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Auf der Panglao Island Circumferential Rd. - Panglao Island - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

San Vicente Ferrer - J. Operiano Street - Panglao Island - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

An der "Celestino Gallares St." - Tagbilaran - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Ecke "Palma St. / Celestino Gallares St." - Tagbilaran - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

An der "Celestino Gallares St." - Tagbilaran - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Ein Funken Hoffnung... / An der Celestino Gallares St. - Tagbilaran - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Blick von der "BQ Mall" auf den Hafen - Tagbilaran - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Blick von der "Bohol Quality Mall" - Tagbilaran - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

An der "Tagbilaran North Road" - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Calape Parish Cristo-Rei - Calape Plaza - Calape - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

St. Vincent Ferrer Parish Church - Calape - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

St. Vincent Ferrer Parish Church - Calape - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

St. Vincent Ferrer Parish Church - Calape - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Blick vom "Alona Beach" - Panglao Island - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Am "Alona Beach" - Panglao Island - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Blick vom "Alona Beach" - Panglao Island - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Alona Beach - Panglao Island - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Am "Alona Beach" - Panglao Island - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Blick vom "Alona Beach" - Panglao Island - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Blick vom "Alona Beach" - Panglao Island - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Blick vom "Alona Beach" - Panglao Island - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Alona Beach - Panglao Island - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Blick vom "Alona Beach" - Panglao Island - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Alona Beach - Panglao Island - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Blick vom "Alona Beach" - Panglao Island - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Blick vom "Alona Beach" - Panglao Island - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Blick vom "Alona Beach" - Panglao Island - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Alona Beach - Panglao Island - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Blick vom "Alona Beach" - Panglao Island - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Blick vom "Alona Beach" - Panglao Island - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Blick vom "Alona Beach" - Panglao Island - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Alona Beach - Panglao Island - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Alona Beach - Panglao Island - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Blick vom "Alona Beach" - Panglao Island - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Spuren des Erdbebens vom Oktober 2013 - Tagbilaran North Rd. - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Spuren des Erdbebens vom Oktober 2013 - Tagbilaran North Rd. - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Spuren des Erdbebens vom Oktober 2013 - Tagbilaran North Rd. - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Spuren des Erdbebens vom Oktober 2013 - Tagbilaran North Rd. - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Spuren des Erdbebens vom Oktober 2013 - Tagbilaran North Rd. - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Spuren des Erdbebens vom Oktober 2013 - Tagbilaran North Rd. - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Spuren des Erdbebens vom Oktober 2013 - Tagbilaran North Rd. - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Spuren des Erdbebens vom Oktober 2013 - Tagbilaran North Rd. - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Spuren des Erdbebens vom Oktober 2013 - Tagbilaran North Rd. - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Spuren des Erdbebens vom Oktober 2013 - Tagbilaran North Rd. - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Spuren des Erdbebens vom Oktober 2013 - Tagbilaran North Rd. - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Spuren des Erdbebens vom Oktober 2013 - Tagbilaran North Rd. - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Spuren des Erdbebens vom Oktober 2013 - Tagbilaran North Rd. - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Spuren des Erdbebens (Oktober 2013) - Tagbilaran North Rd. - Loon - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Spuren des Erdbebens (Oktober 2013) - Tagbilaran North Rd. - Loon - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Spuren des Erdbebens (Oktober 2013) - Tagbilaran North Rd. - Loon - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Blick auf die vom Erdbeben zerstörte Lady of Light Church - Loon - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Blick auf die vom Erdbeben zerstörte Lady of Light Church - Loon - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Blick auf die vom Erdbeben zerstörte Lady of Light Church - Loon - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Spuren des Erdbebens (Oktober 2013) - Tagbilaran North Rd. - Loon - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Spuren des Erdbebens (Oktober 2013) - Tagbilaran North Rd. - Loon - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Spuren des Erdbebens (Oktober 2013) - Tagbilaran North Rd. - Loon - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Spuren des Erdbebens (Oktober 2013) - Tagbilaran North Rd. - Loon - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Spuren des Erdbebens vom Oktober 2013 - Loon - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Spuren des Erdbebens vom Oktober 2013 - Tagbilaran North Rd. - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Spuren des Erdbebens vom Oktober 2013 - Tagbilaran North Rd. - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Parish (Diocese of Tagbilaran) Antequera - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Parish (Diocese of Tagbilaran) Antequera - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Parish (Diocese of Tagbilaran) Antequera - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Rice field near Antequera - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Rice field near Antequera - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Iglesia Ni Cristo - Carlos P. Garcia Ave. - Tagbilaran - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

AirAsia flight to Manila - Tagbilaran Airport - Bohol - Philippines (04/2014)

Epifanio de los Santos Ave. - Manila - Luzon - Philippines (04/2014)

Epifanio de los Santos Ave. - Manila - Luzon - Philippines (04/2014)

Epifanio de los Santos Ave. - Manila - Luzon - Philippines (04/2014)

Jeepney on Timog Ave. - Quezon City - Manila - Luzon - Philippines (04/2014)

Boy Scout Circle - Quezon City - Manila - Luzon - Philippines (04/2014)

Boy Scout Circle - Quezon City - Manila - Luzon - Philippines (04/2014)

At Boy Scout Circle - Quezon City - Manila - Luzon - Philippines (04/2014)

Jeepney on Tomas Morato Ave. - Quezon City - Manila - Luzon - Philippines (04/2014)

Jeepney on Tomas Morato Ave. - Quezon City - Manila - Luzon - Philippines (04/2014)

Tomas Morato Ave. - Quezon City - Manila - Luzon - Philippines (04/2014)

Jeepney on Kamuning Rd. - Quezon City - Manila - Luzon - Philippines (04/2014)

Jeepney at Kamuning Rd. - Quezon City - Manila - Luzon - Philippines (04/2014)

Jeepney on Kamuning Rd. - Quezon City - Manila - Luzon - Philippines (04/2014)

Sct. Ybardolaza - Quezon City - Manila - Luzon - Philippines (04/2014)

Sct. Ybardolaza - Quezon City - Manila - Luzon - Philippines (04/2014)

Jeepney at Sct. Ybardolaza - Quezon City - Manila - Luzon - Philippines (04/2014)

Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish - Sct.Ybardolaza - Quezon City - Manila - Luzon - Philippines (04/2014)

Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish - Sct.Ybardolaza - Quezon City - Manila - Luzon - Philippines (04/2014)

Holy Green Joseph at Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish - Quezon City - Manila - Philippines (04/2014)

Green Joe in front of Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish - Quezon City - Manila - Philippines (04/2014)

Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish - Sct.Ybardolaza - Quezon City - Manila - Luzon - Philippines (04/2014)

Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish - Sct.Ybardolaza - Quezon City - Manila - Luzon - Philippines (04/2014)

Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish - Sct.Ybardolaza - Quezon City - Manila - Luzon - Philippines (04/2014)

Jeepneys on Recto Ave. - Manila - Luzon - Philippines (04/2014)

Homeless people everywhere in Manila - Legarda St. - Manila - Luzon - Philippines (04/2014)

Jeepneys on Legarda St. - Manila - Luzon - Philippines (04/2014)

San Sebastian Church - Bilibid Viejo St. - Manila - Luzon - Philippines (04/2014)

San Sebastian Church - Bilibid Viejo St. - Manila - Luzon - Philippines (04/2014)

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